#SaySomethingSpecial With Manuscript

#SaySomethingSpecial With Manuscript

Whether it’s a family member or a friend you’re missing, or you’d simply like to show your appreciation to the NHS or keyworkers who continue to work on the front line, we want to see your colourful creations, so get creative, take a picture and share a photo of them on your social media channels using the hashtag #SaySomethingSpecial to show your support and that you are thinking of them. Alternatively, you can email them to us at manuscript@manuscriptpen.com and we’ll be happy to share them on our social media channels.

Here’s a list of just some of the ways you could create the perfect message, with some inspiration if you’d like to challenge yourself in lockdown to learn a brand-new skill:


Thank You Say Something Special

With positive quotes and affirmations as artwork gaining popularity recently, now could be the perfect time to learn this stunning artform and share the beautiful results with others. Whether it’s a simple message saying thank you, or a detailed message to someone specific, make your handwriting the design tool which shapes your stunning creation.

Check out a free download on ‘Lettering for Beginners with James Lewis’ to get started HERE


Say Something Special Drawing

Putting your emotions into a picture is perfect for accomplished artists or those who simply have the passion for creating artwork alike, with drawings helping to inspire and bring happiness to others. Frame your handwritten note with sketches or make your artwork the star of the show using pen or crayon.


Say Something Special Chalk

A simple but effective way to encourage the children to get involved, add some colour and creativity to your patio or front drive safely using chalk. Suitable for a wide range of ages, let them put their creativity to the test and make something which will put a smile on the faces of others.

For additional free worksheets and templates to help you get started, CLICK HERE

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